『Speak Tibetan the Tibetan Way』(チベット語口語)クラス(2024年2月24日より土曜日午前に開講)
北インドのLibrary of Tibetan Works & Archives(チベット図書館)で使われてきたテキストを使用したチベット口語(会話)クラスです。テキストはTEXT BOOKと65の短いレッスン(ダイアログ、英訳、単語のレッスンと、だいたい5レッスンごとに短い物語と練習)と付録があり、WORKBOOKに(TEXTBOOKに練習が載っているレッスン以外の)各レッスンごとの練習があります。テキストに発音などはついていず、多少チベット語を習った事がある方を対象にしております。
テキスト:『Speak Tibetan the Tibetan Way TEXTBOOK』(本文168ページ)、『Speak Tibetan the Tibetan Way WORKBOOK』(52ページ)(1月15日までにお申込みの受講生の方に合計3960円で販売。残部わずか)
『Speak Tibetan the Tibetan Way』について(出版社による説明)
This book is designed and structured for the intermediate level of the LTWA's Tibetan as a foreign language course.
The author has based it on the Lhasa dialect and it skillfully covers the colloquial, honorific and non-honorific and other intricacies of the Tibetan Language, all of which can be studied simultaneously.
This book will also be of great help to young Tibetans who are interested in learning spoken Tibetan.
(自動翻訳結果:この本は、LTWA(北インドのLibrary of Tibetan Works & Archives(チベット図書館))の外国語としてのチベット語コースの中級レベル向けに設計および構成されています。)
A modern and accessible reader of Classical Tibetan Buddhist texts based on the traditional monastic educational system, designed for both classroom use and independent study
Designed for both classroom use and independent study, Learning Classical Tibetan is a modern and accessible reader for studying traditional Buddhist texts. Unlike other readers of Classical Tibetan, this is a comprehensive manual for navigating Tibetan Buddhist literature drawing on a monastic curriculum. Utilizing the most up-to-date teaching methods and tools for Tibetan language training, students learn to navigate the grammar, vocabulary, syntax, and style of Classical Tibetan while also engaging the content of Buddhist philosophical works.
Chapters consist of a contextual introduction to each reading, a Tibetan text marked with references to annotations that provide progressive explanations of grammar, cultural notes on vocabulary, translation hints, notes on the Sanskrit origins of Tibetan expressions and grammatical structures, as well as a literal translation of the text. The reader also includes study plans for classroom use, discussion of dictionaries and other helpful resources, a glossary of English grammatical and linguistic terms, and much more.
This reader can be used in conjunction with Paul Hackett’s expanded edition of his well-known Tibetan Verb Lexicon. Using a clear and approachable style, Hackett provides a practical and complete manual that will surely benefit all students of Classical Tibetan.
Paul G. Hackett specializes in canonical Buddhist philosophy and Tibetan culture, as well as their influence on contemporary alternative religion in America. He is also active in the field of applied computational linguistics and serves as the chair of the Tibetan Information Technology Panel for the International Association for Tibetan Studies. He previously taught Classical Tibetan language at Columbia and Yale universities.
『Speak Tibetan the Tibetan Way』のテキストを学ぶクラス参加をご希望の方は、下記のご注意事項をご確認いただいた上で、講座・イベント参加申込受付ページの「おといあわせ」より、お問い合わせタイトルを「Speak Tibetan the Tibetan Way申込み:とし、本文に「(1)希望のクラスと参加形態、(2)ご氏名(ふりがな)、(3)ご住所、(4)お電話番号、(5)チベット語学習歴(6)テキストの希望の有無」をご記入の上、開講日までにご連絡ください。(1月7日までのご連絡で開講の有無を決定し、開講が決まった後はひきつづきお申込みを受け付ける予定です。また、テキスト御希望の方は1月7日までにお申込みください。)
北インドのLibrary of Tibetan Works & Archives(チベット図書館)で使われてきたテキストを用いたチベット語口語(会話)クラスです。76の短いレッスン、57の短いダイアログと付録などからなります。テキストに発音などはついていず、多少チベット語を習った事がある方を対象にしております。
google ブックスの『Speak Fluen Tibetan』にてサンプルページが参照できます。(書籍版では表紙以外のページはカラーではなく、白黒になっています。)
また環境によってgoogle playで電子書籍版を購入してブラウザなどで表示できるようです。
テキスト:『Manual of Standard Tibetan - Language and Civilization』
おもな構成:発音、1課. "What's this?"、2課. "Who's that?"、3課. "The telephone"、4課. "Come in!"、5課. "I have many books"、6課. "Family photo"...)
Introduction. /Pronunciation and the Alphabet: basic sounds and symbols. /1. Syllables, letters, combinations and words /2. Hello. Are you well? /3. Where are you from? /4. Where is Tashi? /5. At the Guesthouse /6. Likes and Dislikes /7. Banter at the Teahouse /8. At what time? (Making Arrangements) /9. Food and Restaurants /10. Shopping /11. Aren’t you well? /12. Travel /13. What did he say? /14. Respectfully /15. From Another /Perspective Grammar /Section Key to Exercises /Dialogue Translations /Tibetan-English Glossary/ English-Tibetan Glossary
Jonathan Samuels (also known by the name Sherab Gyatso) spent 20 years as a monk, living in Tibetan communities in Asia. He is one of a handful of foreigners to have been awarded the title Geshe, having completed a full course of traditional academic studies in Tibetan monastic institutions. He has many years experience teaching Tibetan, and has both designed and taught training courses for translators and interpreters. Jonathan Samuels holds a Masters degree from the Oriental Institute of the University of Oxford, and is currently completing his PhD with the same institution. He currently holds the position of Research Fellow (Buddhist Studies) at the Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context" at Heidelberg University.
テキスト:『Language Pathways 1- A tibetan & English Reader』
それぞれの課はReading,Vocabulary,Explanatory Notes,Exercisesで構成されます。
Section One:Folk Stories(1. The Lion and the Rabbit..)、
Section Two:Well-known Symbols(11.The Four Harmonious Friends...)、
Section Three:Legends(15.The way Songtsen Gampo Chose His Personal Secretary...)、
Section Four:Wisdom Literature(19.Extolling the Virtures of Wisdom(from sakya Legshe)...)
テキスト:『Language Pathways 2- A tibetan & English Reader』
テキスト:『Language Pathways 3- A tibetan & English Reader』
テキスト:『Language Pathways 4- A tibetan & English Reader』
テキスト:『Language Pathways 5- A tibetan & English Reader』
Section One:Folk Stories、Section Two:Well-known Symbols、Section Three:Legends、Section Four:Wisdom Literature
Section One:Folk Stories、Section Two:Folklore、Section ThreeGeneral Knowledge、Section Four:Wisdom Literature など